🇬🇧 🇮🇪 Shipmate - automated shipping software for UK and Republic of Ireland online retailers

Carrier Integrations

Carrier Approved Shipping Integrations

Print shipping labels and track deliveries from all your carriers in one shipping platform with our comprehensive range of carrier-approved integrations.

Looking for a Shipping API?

Multi-Carrier Shipping API

Dozens of carrier integrations in a single API

We take the time and complexity out of making your product work with the UK and Ireland’s diverse array of carrier providers with one simple integration.

Get to market. Fast. Get to market. Fast.

Carrier-approved integrations that are ready to use reduces your time to market broadening your product’s fulfilment capability.

Simple data feeds Simple data feeds

RESTful API and webhooks let you push Order and Shipment data into Shipmate, and receive tracking updates as soon as we do.

Find out more about our Multi-Carrier Shipping API

Multi Carrier Tracking Portal

Your Tracking Portal, just the way you like it

Image of the Tracking Process

FREE* - Seamless, branded, multi-carrier tracking portal for your customers. Reduce enquiries, save time.

Find out more about our Multi-Carrier Tracking Portal

Get started with Shipmate

Stop wasting time on fulfilment -
start shipping smarter & faster, today!

Shipmate Automated Shipping Software